Family name: Makhloufi
First name: Abderrahmane.
Date and place of birth: 28/01/1983 at Adrar.
Nationality: ALGERIA.
Family Status: single
Address (1): Cited 1 November 1954, Block M, Number 23 Adrar.
Address (2): BP.89/54.
E-mail: a.rahmane01 @
National Service: dégagé.
Registry Administration: ANEM to ADRAR.
Phone: Mobile: - 07 73 81 18 97 / 06 63 46 13 63 / 0663 34 69 38
Fax: 049 96 48 95
June-2009: Engineer status in Geology Option: structural geology.
"Mahmoud Mentouri University, Constantine, Institu earth science.
Théme: Stratigraphy sedimentology and structural of the région STAH (during Paleozoic) Illizi Basin, Eastern Sahara Algeien.
June-2003: Bachelor of Science of nature and life, Adrar.
2003-2006: Tron common in geology, University of Oran.
2007-2009: Option structural geology.
Practice Stage:
Stage Field (2em year jusque4em year):
* April 2008: training ground for 06 days, the structural study of the region Hammam-Wilaya Elmesskhotine Guelma - (the study of microfossils and define constraints).
*January 2007: 05 days hanging stage land in the mountains Canstantinois (the age of foraminifer-jurrassique l'éocene)
*February 2007: course training during the Cretaceous 05jours study of the El-bayeth (the trace of dinoseurs)
*March2007: training field for 08 days in the Hoggar. The goal is to know: the geology of Tamanrasset and its environs. (The volcanic rock and metamorphic).
* April 2007: training field for 15 days on the metamorphism of Annaba to characterize and visualize the type of contact between Primary and Secondary, highlight the different tectonic phases affecting the region.
May 2006: training field for 15 days on the metamorphism Nedroma (Tlemcen) and Ain Temouchent volcanism, Beni Saf and Bouzedjar.
*March 2006: training field for 15 days on the Land Mesozoic, the reef system, and Volcanic Diagrfiques Ouarka Ain (Ain Sefra-Saharan Atlas). (The various sedimentary rocks and the study of macrofossils)
* February 2005: training ground for 21 days and the regions of Oran (Regional Geology), Mostaganem (Study paleontological and sedimentological) and Tlemcen-Nedroma (magmatism).
* 5ém year palynological study more and geophysical logging, structural geology, geodynamics basins, sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, geophysical borehole logging and drilling technology, storage, fracturing and faulting, seismic imaging and petroleum geology. (The thin Devonian basin (palynology palynology and Illizi basin and basin Saoura)).
May 2009: Practical course of study at the end of the region STAH Sonatrach (Field Alrar) Amenas Wilaya Illizi.
English: good. French: very good. Arabic: Very good.
Computer technology / IT Skills:
• Software topographic maps (surf) + autacade, interpretation of geological maps and preparation of various maps (isopach, isobath, correlation of sedimentary basins, stereographic projection.
Operating System: MS DOS, Windows 98/2000/XP.
• Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint).
Sports: Football, Judo, and Swimming.
Very athletic, able to perform physical work
Passengers love the landscapes and cultures, international mobility.
Great interest in field work in geology.
Driver's license:
• Category B.